Jeff Hoyt & Jim Marsh co-hosted live coverage of the 2020 RDEVP2P (Rain-delayed, Extended, Virtual Passport2Pain) with help from event co-Producers Zabette Macomber & Colby Atwood. Did we get to your song? Check the time stamps below and scroll to all the wacky highlights or just plug in your earbuds and listen to the whole dang thing!
Here's the recording of the show.
Here are the timestamps:
0:00:00 Jeff Chan Get-Me-Up-The-Hill song kicks us off.
0:03:30 Our broadcast team sets the table for the morning.
0:08:30 Teri Smith gets our party started.
0:12:15 We explain the Weanie, the Weasel and the Idiot.
0:15:30 We play “A Flat” for Chris Cottrell in Santa Barbara on a day when “flat” is not an option.
0:20:30 The Burma Devil calls in from Hell, en route to the studio.
0:22:25 Vashon’s Bob Horsley can only ride the Weenie with help from War.
0:27:45 We give socks to Kit Hymel of Seattle before playing a song for Rafael Santana out on Mercer Island.
0:33:30 Bruce Morser describes the first portion of the P2P ride.
0:39:00 Thought we’d enhance Thomas Alderson’s “Journey.”
0:43:30 Here’s where we fawn over our mighty sponsor Kelly Straight from Straight On Strength.
0:48:15 A $50 gift certificate from Vashon Adventures goes to…Rafael Santana. Followed by a song for Jennifer Lester.
0:52:00 A free registration for next year’s P2P for…(drumroll)…Caroline Nelson!
0:52:40 The Burma Devil asks for directions out of Hell.
0:53:30 A song about “Home” for Dave Hattery.
0:59:20 Brett Norton of Everett wins a P2P hat.
1:00:10 We pivot to the Waterboys to help Jospeh Lacko ride the hills on Bainbridge Island.
1:05:45 A conversation with Chris and Jessica Kudla of P2P sponsor Normal Bicycles!
1:11:20 Our guests give away wooden water bottle cages to P2P riders Bryce Ulrich and Greg Olmstead.
1:12:40 Some AC/DC for Rusti Cowley (who’s a gal, not a dude - our bad!)
1:17:45 Rick Wallace walked 70 of the 80 miles on the P2P course this week - in the smoke!
1:29:30 Time to thank some of the people that made all this craziness possible.
1:30:50 Bruce Morser calls in from P2P course.
1:32:55 The Burma Devil has reached the level of Hell that forces him to set for a multi-level marketing seminar.
1:33:40 Greg Mathis requested some hip-hop to help with his first P2P ride.
1:38:30 Another pair of hotly contested P2P socks goes to Will Krause of Seattle.
1:39:20 Conversation with Greg Sleight in Prineville, OR, who somehow found 3,500 feet of vertical this week.
1:49:30 The Burma Devil finally arrives in the studio!
1:52:20 We follow the Devil with Judas Priest for Marty Sparks.
1:56:40 Bruce Morser completes his description of the official P2P course.
2:06:00 We finish the show with Anthony Mann’s Get-Me-Up-The-Hill request. Thanks for listening!
Here's the recording of the show.
Here are the timestamps:
0:00:00 Jeff Chan Get-Me-Up-The-Hill song kicks us off.
0:03:30 Our broadcast team sets the table for the morning.
0:08:30 Teri Smith gets our party started.
0:12:15 We explain the Weanie, the Weasel and the Idiot.
0:15:30 We play “A Flat” for Chris Cottrell in Santa Barbara on a day when “flat” is not an option.
0:20:30 The Burma Devil calls in from Hell, en route to the studio.
0:22:25 Vashon’s Bob Horsley can only ride the Weenie with help from War.
0:27:45 We give socks to Kit Hymel of Seattle before playing a song for Rafael Santana out on Mercer Island.
0:33:30 Bruce Morser describes the first portion of the P2P ride.
0:39:00 Thought we’d enhance Thomas Alderson’s “Journey.”
0:43:30 Here’s where we fawn over our mighty sponsor Kelly Straight from Straight On Strength.
0:48:15 A $50 gift certificate from Vashon Adventures goes to…Rafael Santana. Followed by a song for Jennifer Lester.
0:52:00 A free registration for next year’s P2P for…(drumroll)…Caroline Nelson!
0:52:40 The Burma Devil asks for directions out of Hell.
0:53:30 A song about “Home” for Dave Hattery.
0:59:20 Brett Norton of Everett wins a P2P hat.
1:00:10 We pivot to the Waterboys to help Jospeh Lacko ride the hills on Bainbridge Island.
1:05:45 A conversation with Chris and Jessica Kudla of P2P sponsor Normal Bicycles!
1:11:20 Our guests give away wooden water bottle cages to P2P riders Bryce Ulrich and Greg Olmstead.
1:12:40 Some AC/DC for Rusti Cowley (who’s a gal, not a dude - our bad!)
1:17:45 Rick Wallace walked 70 of the 80 miles on the P2P course this week - in the smoke!
1:29:30 Time to thank some of the people that made all this craziness possible.
1:30:50 Bruce Morser calls in from P2P course.
1:32:55 The Burma Devil has reached the level of Hell that forces him to set for a multi-level marketing seminar.
1:33:40 Greg Mathis requested some hip-hop to help with his first P2P ride.
1:38:30 Another pair of hotly contested P2P socks goes to Will Krause of Seattle.
1:39:20 Conversation with Greg Sleight in Prineville, OR, who somehow found 3,500 feet of vertical this week.
1:49:30 The Burma Devil finally arrives in the studio!
1:52:20 We follow the Devil with Judas Priest for Marty Sparks.
1:56:40 Bruce Morser completes his description of the official P2P course.
2:06:00 We finish the show with Anthony Mann’s Get-Me-Up-The-Hill request. Thanks for listening!